Our Sessions at Healing Heart Center

Psychic Reading

30 or 60 minutes

We will contact you before your scheduled appointment time to review the spelling of your name and your date of birth.  Steve will use this information to check in with your guides, ancestors and angels for your personal reading.  

At your scheduled appointment time, Steve will contact you via your preferred method and relay information to you.  You will have ample opportunity to interact with Steve by asking questions, having discussions and clarifying any messages.

Spiritual Dual Counseling
with Steve & Lisa

60 minutes

In this session, Steve and Lisa will combine their energies to tune into yours. This two-person healing is designed for those who want to improve their communication and love languages with their spouse, partner or another family member. Messages will be delivered as they evolve through this very personal session for two people.

What can you expect?

In a psychic reading, Steve tunes in to whatever message is meant for you by opening to your loved ones who have passed.  We may want to hear from Grandma Gertrude, but Uncle Bob decides that he has a message for you.  These mediumship readings are often surprising in who shows up, but the message is always exactly what you need to hear.

Not only does Steve get messages from your deceased loved ones, he can also get your messages from your guides, angels, Spirit, and the ancestors you have never met. The best way to have a wonderful reading is to be open to whatever messages come through.

Steve’s delivery of information from the other side is often heartwarming, sometimes funny, and always genuine. He is an authentic light worker.
— Denise, SC
I’ve never had such a raw, straight to the point reading like I had with Steve. He is a truly gifted and in-tune reader.
— Kami, FL
Steve approaches every individual with compassion and integrity. He is ethical and honest about the messages he receives.
— Zee, Bridges to Spirit