Photo of a mountain and valley with a river running through them
Healing Heart Center Travel Blog

Our Travel Experiences

When we met in college in 1982, we never imagined our being together and experiencing all we have up to this point. In our early years together we both were ready and anxious to travel the world but lacked the resources to visit many places. As we aged and our bank account increased, we planned two or even three vacations yearly.
We have cruised, hiked, toured and walked some breathtaking countries and vistas and have been fortunate to get lost in incredible places. Here we share some of our travel insights with you from our early days, to our most recent COVID trip within the US. In reading about our voyages to destinations near and far we hope you become inspired to make your own future travel adventures and memories. We do not confer with each other before writing our experiences, so it has been interesting to see what places and situations we both mention!

My reading with Steve was a beautiful journey that caught me off-guard in all the right ways. I got all of the answers to my questions and then some.
— Kimberlyn, FL
Steve approaches every individual with compassion and integrity. He is ethical and honest about the messages he receives.
— Zee, Bridges to Spirit
Steve is a genuine, compassionate straight shooter. He puts you at ease, makes you laugh, touches your heart, and takes you on a wonderful journey with Spirit.
— Christina, PA